Sunday 9 March 2008

Arthritis endless love

is when grandma had arthritis and couldn't do her nails and grandpa was doing them for her, although he had arthritis too.
But is it? Would it be true, that in this world of ours, there is a shallow hunting among us, making us insanely losing our minds in our quest in reaching for it?! Shouldn't this be called madness? Consenting the existence of the ultimate force of a feeling we all desire, but which only a few pretend to have reached it, classifying all the others as "unreal love". It seems to me that the general criteria of establishing the pedigree of love is time. If you love forever and are at the same time loved forever(obviously by the same person), then most probably you could be congratulated as the one(of those few) who was lucky enough(or just naive enough) to have lived the beauty of love. Easy, though, to see the flimsiness which most people prove when unraveling the meaning of time. It's rather difficult, I guess, to see beyond the temporal of a second. Who is to decide that if I love you for one night, and only for one night, my love for you shall not find place into eternity? Why isn't the love which lasts one second as real as the one of a lifetime?
And then, there would be one other thing that could arise a certain amount of interest. What makes long duration better than passion for most ? It's the same as wondering why time should be a 'must' of real love instead of intensity. It is pretty confusing to see that almost all of the best versions of love that have consumed themselves at an unimaginable level of passion, desire and utter pleasure, in which beyond those two there was only a glamorous galaxy, is rather considered childish, superficial, and definitely 'not that love'. Not that love that should last a lifetime, in which you(sooner or later) completely lose yourself, only to become a slave of habitude and finally unbearable loneliness. A loneliness which probably most deny or refuse to see, for their own inner peace, since discovering that after a 15-year marriage in which you believed in your love, the man next to you isn't necessarily the one who should have made you happy forever, is wors e than a rock banging your head from the seventh floor.
Still, with all these, it is so justified, everybody is so entitled to judge and condemn those who are fortunate enough to fall in love 3 times a month, living their maximum happiness each time it happens. So easy to classify as unable to feel real love all those who can say-today i love you for eternity, but i don't know about tomorrow. I would say that maybe these people here are so condemned because they are so much envied by everyone else around, but i think i would be somehow mistaking or maybe overestimating the capacity of 'everybody else around' to understand the elements in which an elevating love lies in. A true love which isn't measured in days, months or years.
They say that when in love, you don't necessarily need air or light or food, for it is so strong, so deep, so genuine that it provides you with all the energy you could desire. Thus, I cannot deny the existence of such possibility. Possibility in which some of us might some day meet that one who could take their breath for their entire life then after and forever. The possibility in which I could say I love you for eternity today to a man, and the next day saying no lie if I'd repeat it again to the same man. A true real love that isn't dehydrated by the chlorine produced by the time flow.
I doubt however that all the people who commit themsel ves are my arthritis grandfather.


Anonymous said...

cum ar fi ca aroma ciocalatei preferate sa dureze 1 secunda in loc de 5 minute? sau filmul tau preferat de dragoste sa dureze 1 minut sau de ce nu 1 secunda? cum ar fi ca un om ce a comis o crima oribila sa fie inchis o zi nu o viata? uite dasta conteaza timpul... pentru ca timpul a fost dintotdeauna. iubirea, ciocolata, pedepsele nu. si uite daia ne raportam la el intotdeauna.
iubirea... iubirea este ceva ce nu exista asa singura. iubirea este o multitudine de sentimente si trairi ce au nevoie de timp ca sa poata aparea... incredere, pasiune, ura teama( de a nu pierde acea persoana ce o iubesti )iar toate astea au nevoie de ceva timp...
ceea ce zici u... este frumos, dar este perfectiune. este ceva ce nimeni nu va putea atinge. pentru ca timpul (futui mama lui) is the master of everything

kid said...

Cum ar fi atunci ca aroma ciocolatei preferate sa se tranforme pana la sfarsitul celor 5 minute dintr-un gust divin intr-un gust amar, acru, oribil?
Nu am spus ca nici un lucru nu e conditionat de timp, altfel nu am avea nevoie de notiunea de timp, am spus doar ca iubirea nu ar trebui conditionata de el.

Ma indoiesc ca ar trebui sa iti fie teama atunci cand iubesti. Si nu cred ca oamenii, in principiu, sunt asemenea unei cutii de chibitruri pe care o poti pierde.Atunci cand atribuim lui pierde intelesul de a nu mai avea ceva ce am avut anterior in posesie.